Facts on worm castings

Worm castings are a rich, all-natural source of organic matter with lots of nutrients and moisture-holding capabilities. They are known to have an extraordinary effect on plant life. Castings improve the soil structure and increase fertility making them the most enriching soil conditioner available.
Worm castings have attained the highest attainable rating of EXCELLENT from an independent testing laboratory. The soil is odor free and will not burn. The high species diversity of microorganisms serves as a protector against disease as well as helps to control disease. In addition, the microorganisms break down soil nutrients making them readily available to plant root hairs. Castings also stabilize soil aggregates to enhance water-holding ability. They are high in nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and trace minerals that are available immediately and time released for maximum results.
There are special plant growth enhancers as well that are only apparent in worm-worked soil. Studies show plants or seeds demonstrate the following attributes when grown in worm castings: greater plant height, leaf area, root mass, better germination and faster growth. Long-term benefits include improvement of soil and subsequent subsurface water quality. Earthworm Castings can be used to make worm tea to spray on soil and plants which multiplies the beneficial effects of the microorganisms.
You need only use a small amount in or around your houseplants, vegetables and flowers. The miracles of the earthworm are easily seen in the beautiful growth and yields of your plants.
Extremely dark and rich in texture, tests have shown the nitrogen content to be 5 times greater than ordinary topsoil, the phosphate 7 times greater, potash 11 times, and magnesium 3 times. Castings will not burn even when applied directly to the most delicate plants. Definitely the finest soil conditioner available.
Great for use in your entire garden! Completely odor-free and 100 percent organic! Use for indoor plants as well.
Castings contain slow release nutrients which are readily available to plants. Castings contain the plant nutrients which are secreted by the earthworms. They dissolve slowly rather than allowing intermediate nutrient leaching. The product has excellent soil structure, porosity, aeration and water retention capabilities. The product can insulate plant roots from extreme temperatures, reduce erosion and control weeds. It is odorless and consists of 100% recycled materials. "Vermigro" Premium Earthworm Soil Product, sold by Canyon Recycling, San Diego.
The activity of the earthworm gut is like a miniature composting tube that mixes, conditions, and inoculates the residues. Moisture, pH, and microbial populations in the gut are favorably maintained for a synergistic relationship, and then a terrific end product. Dr. Bill Becker, "The Benefits of Earthworms," Natural Food and Farming, July/August, 1991, p. 12
Earthworm castings are the best imaginable potting soil for greenhouses or house plants, as well as gardening and farming.
Earthworm castings will not burn even the most delicate plants and all nutrients are water-soluble, making it an immediate plant food. Earthworm castings, in addition to their use as a potting soil, can be used as a mulch so that the minerals leach directly into the ground when watered. The effects of earthworm castings used in any of these ways are immediately visible. They make plants grow fast and strong. Nematodes and diseases will not ruin gardens or plants if the soil is rich enough for them to grow fast. It is the weak plant in poor soil that is destroyed by nematodes and diseases. R.E. Gaddie and D.E. Douglas, Earthworms for Ecology and Profit, Vol. I "Scientific Earthworm Farming" 1975, p. 175.

Simple worm pile under bananas with burlap layer and shade cloth on top.
Makes your bananas very strong.
Warning: Feeder roots compete for castings!
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