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Soil Tests

Page history last edited by unityfire888@... 14 years, 11 months ago

We had Soil Foodweb Analysis done in the early stages of our large scale remediation project.

These represent just a snapshot in time.

We learned from doing these tests about the importance of having decaying logs laying around to be host nurseries for beneficial fungii.

Along with the mighty worm, fungii are the great decomposers, capable of remediating toxic soil and breaking down other questionable materials such as ink on cardboard, tape, or old pvc irrigation. Creating habitat for Nature's soil foodweb is by far the cleanest and easiest method of soil remediation ~ for the planet and the soil.


(I was unable to upload all the docs~only these 3 would upload)


With little sheetmulching:

soil test orchard.pdf


With plenty sheetmulching and worms nearby:

soil test garden.pdf


1st Blue Worm Row:


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