Please Note: The composers of this website are no longer located on Kaua'i. It's still here for educational purposes only, we are no longer available for workshops or selling worms and castings etc. But carry on! Worms are available in lots of people's gardens and worm compost bins, so put up a note on a bulletin board if you need some! Have fun!
Education! How to do-it-yourself! We love worms! (and their friends!) Worms can help your garden!
Welcome to Vermiculture Kauai!!
an educational collaboration
Turning Kaua'i's waste into Organic Treasure
This site is under construction!
(as the soil is under reconstruction!)
To see the Table of Contents, please click the "sidebar" button, top right of the page...see it up there?

Vermicompost Row Evidence of healthy fungi

Feeding (above) & Harvesting

Sorting & Finished castings

Making tea/Spraying tea

Gathering resources /Education
The Garden Island's trash is the garden's treasure and vermiculture's pleasure!
Other related sites: *Zero-waste Composting and ReUse Project*Permaculture Community *Vermiculture Proposals *Kauai Agricultural Forum
To participate in this site please contact administrator andI will send you an invitation/link
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Comments (1) said
at 2:09 pm on Jun 9, 2015
I need worms. Any suggestions? Kauai June 2015, Jes /
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